Roughly a month ago Professor James Horn, founder of the original Schools Matter blog, said he wanted to start regional versions of that venerable publication. He then asked me if I could recruit a team of local writers to do a Los Angeles version. We've got several very exciting writers lined up, and hope to have a broad range of experienced activists, educators, and community members contributing.
Our intention is to provide a social justice oriented alternative to the neoliberal, right-of-center bastion of of biased news also known as the LA Schools Report, run by Jamie Alter-Lynton and Alex Russo.
We hope to become your source of Los Angeles education news as well, and are always looking for progressive, social justice minded contributors. Contact me if you want to be onboard.
Looks and great, Robert. You guys keep up the great work. Your neighbors need something on education to read other than corporate rags like the LA Times.