Monday, July 15, 2013

Contractor using charter school construction as a tax shelter for condos and commercial space?

"Jose Huizar is a land use attorney. He was just named the head or chair of the city's land Use Committee. Monica Garcia represents the area where the new proposed charter will be." — Dr. John Fernandez

It's no secret that some of the primary sources of income generated by the lucrative charter school sector are construction and real estate. Los Angeles Unified School District's District 2 has been a windfall for land transactions and real estate swindles both under Board Member José Huizar (whose Chief of Staff was Mónica García), and his successor, the incumbent Mónica García. The latest shady deal in District 2? Read the following reprint of a facebook post from folks living in the targeted area.

Did you know that a developer has purchased 3 vacant lots on Lombardy/Eastern and has submitted a variance to change to zoning from residential to commercial and to change the height limitations and to construct a 500+ student charter school, a 20 unit apartments building or 20 condos, and a 2000+ square foot cafe.

Some neighbors on Kimball have impressively compiled the attached information, organized, and obtained signatures from residents/homeowners from over 130 of the 156 homes within 500 feet of the project, opposing the project as written.

You may want to look at these items on the attachment:
Mitigated Negative Declaration pg 11
Traffic Study p 33

A group of neighbors is going to make public comments on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. The Friday hearing is the most important day, as the zoning administrator will make a recommendation on whether to approve of the variance requests.

Maybe you can come by.

Wednesday, July 10
LA32 Neighborhood Council General Board Meeting
6:00p.m.- 9:00p.m.
El Sereno Senior Center.
4818 Klamath Pl.

Thursday, July 11
Land Use and Development Committee Meeting
6:00PM – 7:00PM
4927 Huntington Drive North,
3rd Floor Conference Room

Friday, July 12th
Department of City Planning - Public Hearing
LA City Hall
200 N. Spring St.
10th Floor, Room 1010
Hearing Officer: Lynda Smith 213-978-1196;


  1. And in LA, the charter school can apply to have the district use bond money to fund 33% of the school construction cost.

  2. Preserve El Sereno is a group opposed to the project.
